P6 Mathematics

The knowledge, skills and attitudes developed will enable learners to count, estimate, measure, calculate, handle and manage money, interpret statistics and also represent data on Mathematical tools such as pie-charts, bar graphs and so on.
Generally, this book is organized in a way that enables the learners to investigate, practice, summarize, integrate and finally assess him / herself.

Olivier NSHIZIRUNGU · February 18, 2022

Primary 6 Mathematics Course is based on the competence
based curriculum called “Curriculum for sustained
development”. This Curriculum is developed by Rwanda
Education Board (REB) in 2015.
Each unit is introduced with an activity to enable learners
work and discover concepts on their own.

The knowledge, skills and attitudes developed will enable
learners to count, estimate, measure, calculate, handle and
manage money, interpret statistics and also represent data
on Mathematical tools such as pie-charts, bar graphs and so
Generally, this book is organized in a way that enables the
learners to investigate, practice, summarize, integrate and
finally assess him / herself.

About Instructor

Not Enrolled
or 60000

Course Includes

  • 6 Lessons
  • 5 Topics